Fusion Gramenet, 2017-2020. A cultural forum promoting social inclusion in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, which hosts artistic activities to encourage cross-cultural mixing between residents from a range of ethnic backgrounds.
Events such as Fusion Photo, Fusion Theatre and Fusion Music are held to promote cross-cultural mixing. Artists with considerable international careers have taken part in the project, among which include: Bety Akna, Ustad Daud Khan Sadozai, Ahmed Yahia, Ahmad Yusuf Penalva, Albert Franch and Carolina Pereyra. Throughout its course, this project has collaborated with theObra Social “la Caixa”,and has received support from the Ayuntamiento de Santa Coloma de Gramenet. Other supporting organisations include: Pompeu Lab, Biblioteca Can Peixauet, Casa Asia, Institut Catalunya Àfrica, Casals dels Infants and Associació de Veïns del Raval, the Associació Cultural and Esportiva la Convivencia, Activamet and Mescladis.
Attendees for year: 105 participants (2017), 253 (2018), 1955 (2019), 2020 (93)
Total attendees: 2,406