Mercagrama was a circular economy project in Santa Coloma de Gramenet. The project was created in 2019 as a new circular economy commercial activity linked to Object Bank located on calle de Pirineus 42-46 local 3. Project directed by Carolina Rivas. The project consisted of selling second-hand objects that were donated to the Object Bank, such as: clothing, home appliances, computer equipment, furniture, construction materials, among other things.
Collaborations by: Tintea, Ocasió and Moneda Local.
Project facilitated by: circular economy subsidy from Ayuntamiento de Santa Coloma de Gramenet in 2019.
How did it work? Some of the objects donated to the Object Bank in Baró de Viverwere deposited to this establishment and a selection of them were exhibited for sale at affordable prices. La mayoría de los objetos que se exhibieron a la venta fueron sillas, mesas, archiveros, ropa, sofás y materiales de construcción.
This new activity encouraged the reduction of negative impact on the environment, responsible consumption habits were generated, and the population was made aware of new economic savings models by reusing and sharing objects in the city.

The objective of Mercagrama was to stimulate a circular, solidary and collaborative economy.
Direction: Carolina Rivas.
Collaborators: Moneda local gramas.
Capacity reached: 47 participants